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- Dandelion salve-Lavender or Sweet Orange
My top seller and requested item, it is also what I use the most of personally. This is the salve that I go through the most as it is one of my favourites!! The sweet orange smells like warm orange cupcakes!! Yum.
I do a lot of research on pain management, healing creams that are all natural, a lot of reading for sure. After reading about how great dandelions are for many different things, I thought I would give making a salve a shot. I don't like the greasy feeling of most salves I have tried so I decided to play around with different oils and consistencies and came up with something I really like.
I spend a lot of time in the spring, summer and fall foraging and harvesting different plants from the wilds of the Yukon, dandelions included and drying them. This way I can have products with the least amount of pollution, pesticides, etc that I can find and my backroom will smell great for most of that time. I have almond oil or coconut oil with dandelions for a lighter oil feel and combined them lavender or sweet orange essential oils for a beautiful scent. These have enough beeswax in them to keep the moisture in after use but soft enough that you don't have to dig the salve out.
Dandelion is known as an anti-inflammatory that can reduce pain and swelling in irritated skin areas. It can also be used to treat microbial and fungal infections of the skin. Long called Gardener's salve as dandelion helps relieve the soreness of the muscles, dandelion also flushes out toxins making it great for acne, blemishes, dark spots and other skin conditions including eczema and psoriasis.
The list of the healing properties of a dandelion is fairly long, I can attest to the pain and swelling in a large bruise definitely diminishing by a lot. I will post the bruise in the shop update section so you can see the bruise from a recent wipeout. Even the slightest touch made me cringe and after applying just a smidgen of cream, the pain is almost nonexistent....this is a definite in my first aid box ( OK at my bedside as well) with the number of times I end up wiping out and the grandkids. UPDATE....my grandson is just learning to walk and so falls and bruises a lot, he LOVES having the salve put on his owies and now says rub rub for it....score one for this grandma.
This is my experience with dandelion flowers so far but read about all of the properties and make your own decisions.
Our salves come in 2 oz tins and I only make small batches at a time to keep them as fresh as I can at all times.